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Sensitivity Disc

Potassium hydroxide flakes
PPotassium hydroxide (KOH) is a hygroscopic, water soluble base synthesized by the electrolysis of potassium chloride solution. It is the raw material for the synthesis of many potassium compounds.
0.0 XAF
Piperacillin / Tazobactam PIT 30/6 mcg
Antibiotic Sensitivity disc are used to determine the effectivness of an antibiotic against a microorganism as a guide to antibiotic therapy. The disc consist of a specific concentration of an antibiotic in mcg which is tested against a microorganism of a standard density, swabbed uniformly on an appropriate media following overnight incubation. Piperacillin / Tazobactam is impregnated on a filter paper disc of specified concentration. Both sides of the disc are printed with PIT and concentration 30/6 mcg for easy identification.
0.0 XAF
Meropenem MRP 10 mcg
Antibiotic Sensitivity disc are used to determine the effectivness of an antibiotic against a microorganism as a guide to antibiotic therapy. The disc consist of a specific concentration of an antibiotic in mcg which is tested against a microorganism of a standard density, swabbed uniformly on an appropriate media following overnight incubation. Meropenem is impregnated on a filter paper disc of specified concentration. Both sides of the disc are printed with MRP and concentration 10 mcg for easy identification.
0.0 XAF
Imipenem IPM 10 mcg
Antibiotic Sensitivity disc are used to determine the effectivness of an antibiotic against a microorganism as a guide to antibiotic therapy. The disc consist of a specific concentration of an antibiotic in mcg which is tested against a microorganism of a standard density, swabbed uniformly on an appropriate media following overnight incubation. Imipenem is impregnated on a filter paper disc of specified concentration. Both sides of the disc are printed with IPM and concentration 10mcg for easy identification.
0.0 XAF
Fosfomycin FO 200mcg
Antibiotic Sensitivity disc are used to determine the effectivness of an antibiotic against a microorganism as a guide to antibiotic therapy. The disc consist of a specific concentration of an antibiotic in mcg which is tested against a microorganism of a standard density, swabbed uniformly on an appropriate media following overnight incubation. Fosfomycin is impregnated on a filter paper disc of specified concentration. Both sides of the disc are printed with FO and concentration 200 mcg for easy identification.
0.0 XAF
Cefoxitin-Cloxacillin CXX 30/200 mcg
Antibiotic Sensitivity disc are used to determine the effectivness of an antibiotic against a microorganism as a guide to antibiotic therapy. The disc consist of a specific concentration of an antibiotic in mcg which is tested against a microorganism of a standard density, swabbed uniformly on an appropriate media following overnight incubation. Cefoxitin-Cloxacillin is impregnated on a filter paper disc of specified concentration. Both sides of the disc are printed with CXX and concentration 30/200 mcg for easy identification.
0.0 XAF
Cefotaxime / Clavulanic acid (30/10MCG)
Antibiotic Sensitivity disc are used to determine the effectivness of an antibiotic against a microorganism as a guide to antibiotic therapy. The disc consist of a specific concentration of an antibiotic in mcg which is tested against a microorganism of a standard density, swabbed uniformly on an appropriate media following overnight incubation. Cefotaxime/Clavulanic acid is impregnated on a filter paper disc of specified concentration. Both sides of the disc are printed with CEC and concentration 30/10 mcg for easy identification.
0.0 XAF
Benedict’s Quantitative Reagent
Benedict's reagent is used to test for the presence of reducing sugars. Benedict’s quantitative reagent is a modification of qualitative aspects. It contains copper sulphate-sodium carbonate. It also contains potassium thiocyanate and small amount of potassium ferricyanate.The reduction of Cu3+ ions by sugar is a non-stoichiometric equation and is only constant over a small range of sugar concentration.
0.0 XAF
Oxidase Discs (50 discs / vl)
Oxidase Discs are used for detection of oxidase production by microorganisms like Neisseria, Alcaligenes, Aeromonas, Vibrio's, Campylobacter and Pseudomonas, which give positive reactions and for excluding Enterobacteriaceae, which give negative reactions. Oxidase discs are sterile filter paper discs impregnated with N, N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine oxalate, ascorbic acid and a-naphthol. These discs overcome the neccessity of daily preparation of fresh reagent. Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 positive : deep purplish blue colouration of disc ; Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 negative : no colour change.
0.0 XAF
ONPG (50 discs / vl)
ONPG Discs are used for the rapid detection of b-galactosidase activity in microorganisms, specially to identify late lactose fermenters quickly. ONPG is a synthetic colourless compound (galactoside) structurally similar to lactose. Since members of family Enterobacteriaceae are routinely grouped according to their lactose fermenting ability the ONPG test is significant. ONPG discs are sterile filter paper discs impregnated with ONPG. ONPG is similar in structure to lactose. The presence of two enzymes is required to demonstrate lactose fermentation in a conventional test. Citrobacter freundii ATCC 8090 Positive reaction, yellow colour; Proteus vulgaris ATCC 13315 Negative reaction: no colour change
0.0 XAF