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Gram's Iodine
Gram’s iodine is used in Gram staining procedure to differentiate gram positive and gram negative organisms. Gram’s iodine acts as a mordant that causes the crystal violet to penetrate and adhere to the gram positive organisms. It is also used in Neisser’s Metachromatic Staining.
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Gram’s Crystal Violet
Gram's Crystal Violet is used for Gram's staining. In practice, a smear of bacterial cells is stained with crystal violet, then treated with an iodine containing mordant to increase the binding of primary stain. A decolourizing solution is used to remove the crystal violet from cells which bind it weakly and then the counterstain with safranin.
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Nigrosin Stain, 10% w/v
Negative staining method permits visualization of the usually transparent and unstainable capsule of many organisms, most importantly Cryptococcus neoformans. Nigrosin consists of a suspension of fine particles of carbon. These form a dark background.
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Fixative, for fixing cytological or histological samples
Fixative is recommended to fix cytological and histological samples specially vaginal smear (for PAP staining). It preserve cellular morphology of specimen sample
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Potassium hydroxide flakes
PPotassium hydroxide (KOH) is a hygroscopic, water soluble base synthesized by the electrolysis of potassium chloride solution. It is the raw material for the synthesis of many potassium compounds.
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Piperacillin / Tazobactam PIT 30/6 mcg
Antibiotic Sensitivity disc are used to determine the effectivness of an antibiotic against a microorganism as a guide to antibiotic therapy. The disc consist of a specific concentration of an antibiotic in mcg which is tested against a microorganism of a standard density, swabbed uniformly on an appropriate media following overnight incubation. Piperacillin / Tazobactam is impregnated on a filter paper disc of specified concentration. Both sides of the disc are printed with PIT and concentration 30/6 mcg for easy identification.
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Meropenem MRP 10 mcg
Antibiotic Sensitivity disc are used to determine the effectivness of an antibiotic against a microorganism as a guide to antibiotic therapy. The disc consist of a specific concentration of an antibiotic in mcg which is tested against a microorganism of a standard density, swabbed uniformly on an appropriate media following overnight incubation. Meropenem is impregnated on a filter paper disc of specified concentration. Both sides of the disc are printed with MRP and concentration 10 mcg for easy identification.
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Imipenem IPM 10 mcg
Antibiotic Sensitivity disc are used to determine the effectivness of an antibiotic against a microorganism as a guide to antibiotic therapy. The disc consist of a specific concentration of an antibiotic in mcg which is tested against a microorganism of a standard density, swabbed uniformly on an appropriate media following overnight incubation. Imipenem is impregnated on a filter paper disc of specified concentration. Both sides of the disc are printed with IPM and concentration 10mcg for easy identification.
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Fosfomycin FO 200mcg
Antibiotic Sensitivity disc are used to determine the effectivness of an antibiotic against a microorganism as a guide to antibiotic therapy. The disc consist of a specific concentration of an antibiotic in mcg which is tested against a microorganism of a standard density, swabbed uniformly on an appropriate media following overnight incubation. Fosfomycin is impregnated on a filter paper disc of specified concentration. Both sides of the disc are printed with FO and concentration 200 mcg for easy identification.
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Cefoxitin-Cloxacillin CXX 30/200 mcg
Antibiotic Sensitivity disc are used to determine the effectivness of an antibiotic against a microorganism as a guide to antibiotic therapy. The disc consist of a specific concentration of an antibiotic in mcg which is tested against a microorganism of a standard density, swabbed uniformly on an appropriate media following overnight incubation. Cefoxitin-Cloxacillin is impregnated on a filter paper disc of specified concentration. Both sides of the disc are printed with CXX and concentration 30/200 mcg for easy identification.
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