Nutrient Agar
This medium is used for maintaining microorganisms, cultivating fastidious organisms by enriching with serum or blood and are also used for purity checking prior to biochemical or serological testing.
0.0 XAF
Ñ Reticulocyte Staining Solution
Standard technique for staining reticulocytes is the new methylene blue staining. New methylene blue stains intracellular RNA blue in colour against pink stained RBCs. Depending on the stage of the reticulocyte the blue colour may be distributed in a general pattern(early reticulocytes) or punctate pattern(late reticulocyte). Cells with clear, blue cytoplasmic granules which can be seen without fine focusing are to be regarded as reticulocytes of maturation stage IV. From visual examination of a peripheral blood film so stained, the number of reticulocytes among 1000 reticulocytes is found and expressed as a percentage. This is termed the reticulocyte count. TCL115 is a reticulocyte staining solution formulated to contain new methylene blue for staining reticulocyte in blood smear.
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Mueller Hinton Agar
The medium is used as a test medium for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. It is recommended for the diffusion of antimicrobial agents impregnated on paper disc through an agar gel as described in CLSI Approved Standard.
0.0 XAF
MIU Medium Base
MIU Medium Base is recommended for detection of motility, urease and indole production in single tube. Motility and urease reactions are read before testing Indole production. Motile organisms show either diffused growth or turbidity extending away from stab inoculation line while nonmotile organisms grow along the stabline. Organisms that utilize urea, produce ammonia which makes the medium alkaline, showing pink-red colour by change in the phenol red indicator. Indole is produced from tryptophan present in tryptone. The indole produced combines with the aldehyde present in the Kovac's reagent to form a red complex.
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M-FC Agar Base
M-FC Agar Base is recommended for detection and enumeration of faecal coliforms using membrane filtration technique at higher temperature (44.5°C). This medium is based on the property of faecal coliforms to grow at 44-45°C.
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Methylene Blue (Loeffler’s)
Loeffler's Methylene Blue stain is used for the identification of diphtheria bacilli, since it differentiates the deeply stained metachromatic granules from the pale blue-staining cytoplasm and also as a counterstain in AFB staining
0.0 XAF
Mannitol Salt Agar Base
This medium is recommended for the isolation of coagulase-positive staphylococci from cosmetics, milk, food and other specimens. The additional property of lipase activity of Staphylococcus aureus can be detected by the addition of the Egg Yolk Emulsion. The lipase activity can be visualized as yellow opaque zones around the colonies.
0.0 XAF
Malachite Green, 1% w/v
Malachite Green is used for bacterial spore staining by Schaeffer and Fulton's method. It can also used as a simple stain.
0.0 XAF
MacConkey Broth Purple w/BCP
This granulated medium is used for presumptive identification of coliforms from variety of specimens such as water, milk and food etc. Bromocresol purple is the pH indicator in the medium which turns yellow under acidic condition, Colour of the medium chnages to yellow due to lactose fermentation and gas entrapped in Durhams tube.
0.0 XAF
MacConkey Agar w/ CV, NaCl and 0.15% Bile Salts
This medium is used for the detection and isolation of gram-negative organisms from clinical , dairy, food, water, pharmaceutical and industrial sources. It is also recommended for the selection and recovery of the Enterobacteriaceae and related enteric gram-negative bacilli. USP recommends this medium for use in the performance of Microbial Limit Tests.
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M17 Broth
M17 Broth is recommended for cultivation of lactic Streptococci and their bacteriophages. It is usedfor the cultivation and enumeration of lactic Streptococci and their bacteriophages. This medium is a modification of M16 Medium.
0.0 XAF
Lactobacillus MRS Agar (MRS Agar)
Lactobacillus MRS Agar (MRS Agar)Recommended for the isolation and enumeration of lactic acid bacteria from meat and meat products. The composition and performance criteria of this medium are as per the specifications laid down in ISO 1995, Draft ISO/DIS 13720:2010. Peptone, HM Extract B, yeast extract , dextrose provides carbon and nitrogen sources for lactobacilli growth. Sodium acetate and ammonium citrate inhibit Streptococci, moulds and many other microorganisms. Magnesium sulphate and manganese sulphate provide essential ions for multiplication of lactobacilli. Phosphates provide good buffering action in the media. Polysorbate 80 supplies fatty acids required for the metabolism of Lactobacilli.
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