Bile Esculin Agar
Bile Esculin Agar is recommended for isolation and presumptive identification of group D Streptococci from food and pharmaceutical products. Enterococci and Group D Streptococci hydrolyse esculin to esculetin and dextrose, which reacts with ferric citrate producing brownish black precipitate. Identification of enterococci and differentiation of Group D strptococci from non Group D can thus be performed using this agar medium.
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Baird Parker Agar Base
Recommended for isolation and enumeration of Staphylococci in food and other material since it allows a good differentiation of coagulase positive strains. the use of Baird-Parker Agar was officially adopted by AOAC International and is recommended in the USP for use in the performance of Microbial Limit Tests. Recently, ISO committee has also recommended this medium for the isolation and enumeration of Staphylococci. The isolation and enumeration of coagulase positive Staphylococci from food and clinical samples
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Agar Agar, Type I
Agar Agar, Type I is recommended for preperation of culture media for microbiological analysis.
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*Salmonella Differential Agar (Twin pack) (RajHans Medium)
used for differentiation of Salmonella species from Proteus species and other enteric bacteria. Production of acid from propylene glycol is a novel characteristic of Salmonella species and is utilized in these media
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*Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Agar
This medium is recommended for cultivation of yeasts and moulds. This medium was described originally by Sabouraud for the cultivation of fungi, particularly useful for the fungi associated with skin infections. The medium is often used with antibiotics such as Chloramphenicol for the isolation of pathogenic fungi from materials containing large numbers of fungi or bacteria.
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*Rogosa SL Agar
This media also known as RMW Agar is used for isolation, enumeration and identification of Lactobacilli from foodstuffs and clinical specimens. Low pH of the medium and addition of acetic acid makes the medium selective for Lactobacilli inhibiting other bacterial flora. It is recommended that the plates should be incubated at 30°C for 5 days or at 37°C for 3 days in an atmosphere of 95% hydrogen and 5% carbon dioxide. If this is not possible, overlay the inoculated plates with a second layer of the agar before incubation. All colonies should be checked by gram staining and by catalase test before further identification. The salt in the formulation makes the medium unsuitable for isolation of dairy Lactobacilli. e.g. L. lactis, L. bulgaricus and L. helveticus.
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Potassium hydroxide flakes
PPotassium hydroxide (KOH) is a hygroscopic, water soluble base synthesized by the electrolysis of potassium chloride solution. It is the raw material for the synthesis of many potassium compounds.
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Piperacillin / Tazobactam PIT 30/6 mcg
Antibiotic Sensitivity disc are used to determine the effectivness of an antibiotic against a microorganism as a guide to antibiotic therapy. The disc consist of a specific concentration of an antibiotic in mcg which is tested against a microorganism of a standard density, swabbed uniformly on an appropriate media following overnight incubation. Piperacillin / Tazobactam is impregnated on a filter paper disc of specified concentration. Both sides of the disc are printed with PIT and concentration 30/6 mcg for easy identification.
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Meropenem MRP 10 mcg
Antibiotic Sensitivity disc are used to determine the effectivness of an antibiotic against a microorganism as a guide to antibiotic therapy. The disc consist of a specific concentration of an antibiotic in mcg which is tested against a microorganism of a standard density, swabbed uniformly on an appropriate media following overnight incubation. Meropenem is impregnated on a filter paper disc of specified concentration. Both sides of the disc are printed with MRP and concentration 10 mcg for easy identification.
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Imipenem IPM 10 mcg
Antibiotic Sensitivity disc are used to determine the effectivness of an antibiotic against a microorganism as a guide to antibiotic therapy. The disc consist of a specific concentration of an antibiotic in mcg which is tested against a microorganism of a standard density, swabbed uniformly on an appropriate media following overnight incubation. Imipenem is impregnated on a filter paper disc of specified concentration. Both sides of the disc are printed with IPM and concentration 10mcg for easy identification.
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Fosfomycin FO 200mcg
Antibiotic Sensitivity disc are used to determine the effectivness of an antibiotic against a microorganism as a guide to antibiotic therapy. The disc consist of a specific concentration of an antibiotic in mcg which is tested against a microorganism of a standard density, swabbed uniformly on an appropriate media following overnight incubation. Fosfomycin is impregnated on a filter paper disc of specified concentration. Both sides of the disc are printed with FO and concentration 200 mcg for easy identification.
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